AUGI HotNews June 2009
President’s Letter: AUGI “To Do” List
There's a lot going on this month and AUGI members are asked to participate. The clock is ticking on the 2009 Salary Survey and your input is needed now. Then, you'll want to cast your vote for new members to fill the AUGI Board of Directors. The last "to do" item is pure pleasure if you're in the AEC industry - enjoy the newest AUGI publication, AUGI|AEC Edge. Mark Kiker, current AUGI president, provides details on these and other AUGI-related services.
Stressed! Autodesk Inventor Simulation FAQ
These frequently asked questions - and answers - about Autodesk Inventor Simulation will enlighten you about this product.
Advertorial: Join the AutoCAD Exchange Network
Complement your AUGI resource for AutoCAD with Autodesk's new portal, AutoCAD Exchange. Network and share with your peers at AutoCAD Exchange.
TIPniques: Freeform Modeling in AutoCAD 2010
Brian Benton continues his look at the latest release of AutoCAD. AutoCAD 2010 moves deeper into the world of 3D modeling with freeform modeling techniques. Learn all about it.
CAD Management: Planning for Progress
Stop spending all your time putting out fires and do some long-range planning. In this article, Mark Kiker shows you how to think it through.
Sponsor Spotlight: Supply Meets Demand
HP's new Z Series workstations are smoothly handling the demands of engineers, architects, and designers. Here's a look inside these powerhouses.
The Civil Side: Intersection Design Wizard How-To
Melanie Santer steps you through the new intersection design wizard, found in the latest release of AutoCAD Civil 3D.
The Creative Inventor: Exploring Desktop Content
The newest release of Autodesk Inventor allows greater flexibility in creating shared custom Content Center libraries. Dennis Jeffrey offers some pointers.
AutoCAD Architecture 2010: Key Features, Part 2
Tharakesh Ananthakrishnan shows you how to make the most of the ribbon, panels, and other UI features.