
AUGIWORLD April 2023 Issue

AUGIWORLD April 2023 Issue


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Collaboration Tools and Techniques

Collaboration is a tool that doesn’t come easily to some. It’s also something that you can never stop learning more about including ways to collaboratively communicate and flourish in every aspect of your life.

Techniques are used in everything you do, so read this month’s April issue here at AUGIWORLD to get the best of both worlds!
In the April 2023 issue:

  • SH Formas’ Ultimate Solution is BricsCAD® — Craig Swearingen talks all about the future with BricsCAD’s powerful modeling engine, additions, and features, as well as, how SH Formas is an industry leader in formworks, scaffolding, and shoring for sale and rental in Brazil.
  • BIM Collaborate Pro: Collaboration for Civil 3D — Bryson Anderson spreads his knowledge of how the collaboration for Civil 3D module of BIM Collaborate Pro is constantly advancing, adding new features and improved speed. Utilizing BIM Collaborate Pro, you can improve your Civil 3D workflow extending collaboration anywhere, anytime!
  • Transforming Design and Construction with Trimble 3D Warehouse AR Viewer Technology — Kristina Youngblut shares all about augmented reality (AR) technology and how its advanced issues have expanded to a wide range of applications.
  • Dynamo for Civil 3D: A Production Use Case — Marco Oregon demonstrates what the most recent way he has been able to leverage this technology at Walter P Moore as a Civil Engineering Drafter.
  • Collaboration Through Model Federation — Stephen Walz talks about how a major component to this level of Collaboration is Model Federation. Model Federation in general has very similar goals, but can also have very purposeful applications and expectations associated with them as well.
  • Project Housekeeping — Mark Kiker teaches the ways of project “housekeeping”, project archiving, and cleaning out the clutter safely and efficiently.
  • SOLIDWORKS: Mechanisms & Mentorship: Symmetric Over-Center Clamping Mechanism — Rafael Testai takes a look behind the scenes to see how a hand-picked Engineer has designed one of their mechanisms in granular detail. He “opens the hood” to analyze their CADdesign and thought process behind the solution. He asks them questions about the project, roadblocks, challenges, specific insights they learned, and how they’re using SOLIDWORKS to solve real world problems.
  • Civil 3D Labels: Express Yourself with Expressions! — Meredith Chamberlain shares how the power of Civil 3D is not just in its design, but also its ability to help us create the documentation of that design which is where Civil 3D labels come into play. Meredith includes many tools available in Civil 3D to enable you to leverage your labels to be more knowledgeable, more efficient, and more informative!
  • Inside Track — Shaun Bryant brings us more opportunities to advance our skills, processes, and workflows in our firms using the most current AEC related software and hardware updates that are available.
