
Support AUGI’s CAD Camp Campaign

AUGI CAD Camps have historically been valuable events for our membership and others. With continued urging from our members, we embarked on the 2010 Spring AUGI CAD Camp season. However, this year's reactivation of CAD Camps has met with mixed results. While our members that attended the spring Camps rated them "excellent" and found the content to be very useful, we've struggled with lower than expected attendance and sponsor support.

AUGI has negotiated a sponsorship agreement with ITT Technical Institute that will allow AUGI CAD Camps to access over 100 possible locations throughout the United States. This, combined with other cost-cutting changes, provides us with a cost structure that we believe is sustainable - provided we hit the right attendance numbers.

In late October and early November, we will run four AUGI CAD Camps to validate our new structure and expanded marketing capabilities. If these camps produce the results we think they will, we will then have a sustainable model that can be implemented in 2011.

Attendance is key. Straight talk is called for. Without more people attending AUGI CAD Camp, we may not be able to continue. Those members residing in the regional areas of the remaining 2010 AUGI CAD Camps are encouraged to attend. Attendance is the main factor that can make AUGI CAD Camps a success now. If attendance does not rise, CAD Camp may not continue. So if you and your colleagues can attend, you can help AUGI CAD Camp move into 2011.

Go to to see the locations of the remaining events.

Thank you very much for your support and we appreciate your understanding of our efforts to make these events a success for AUGI members and those beyond.

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