
Poll: 3rd Party Applications

This month’s homepage poll asked AUGI members what tools they use to get the job done. Thank you to those who made the effort to share your favorites with us.

I encourage you to check out the next issue of AUGIWORLD magazine, whose expert authors tackle this topic.

"AUGIWORLD investigates solutions available from Autodesk’s third-party developer community. Industry experts address important questions such as when to customize AutoCAD and other Autodesk products and when (and how) to evaluate/purchase a third-party application."

The most popular tools were: in-house, Pinnacle, BIM Link, Bluebeam, AutoTable, SincPac, OffsetinXref, Family Browser and CADworx.

The remainder of the answers included: AAOS, Archibus, ASE Civil, Autosection Box, BatchInDatabase, BIMList Browser, CADManagerTools, Civil 3d, Dynamo, Excel, GeoTools, Inventor, iProperties window, iPropWiz, MapWorks, MWF, None, PdfImport, Pointsense Plant, Revit, Rhino, rushforth, SketchUP, SnagIt, Space Naming Utility, Stabicad, Superpurge, SysQue, VisionREZ, Xrev Transmit.

Some of these are standalone products, some plug into your favorite Autodesk platform and can be found on the Autodesk Exchange (app store), but, however they're packaged, you know your production is improved when you have them.

Curious why or how folks build their own solutions in-house? Stop by the programming and customization forums, and see why they’re one of the busiest places on AUGI.

Want to discuss any of the products our members have mentioned in this survey? Swing by the Software forum, where we talk about any tools we want to.

Be sure to swing by and chime in on next month’s CAD/BIM Management topic, whether your team has a Processes and Procedures manual.

Melanie Stone is a CAFM/ IWMS Specialist & System Administrator supporting and writing about ARCHIBUS, FMInteract, Tririga, Revit, AutoCAD, BricsCAD or similar. She served as an AUGI Director/Officer for over 6 years and is currently involved with the STLRUG. Melanie can be reached at or found on Twitter as @MistresDorkness on YouTube or on her Mistress Of the Dorkness blog.

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