
Letter from the President - July 2020

Happy Independence Day to our readers in the U.S.! It is hard to believe that half of 2020 is already over, and what a year it has been so far! This Independence Day will certainly look a lot different this year. Large gatherings and fireworks shows are being canceled in light of the continuing Covid-19 precautions. I am sure that some of my rural neighbors here in PA will provide their own entertainment, hopefully in a safe manner, and much to the chagrin of my pup.

My family and I are heading to the beach in July (barring any restrictions). The trip has become something we plan for and look forward to for months. Personally I find the beach to be the most relaxing place on Earth. The sound of the waves and the feel of my toes in the sand, sitting with a good book and a cold drink... there really isn’t anything better! One of my favorite parts of our vacation is waking up before the rest of my crew and having my morning coffee on the deck as the sun comes up over the ocean. Sometimes it is necessary to escape from the routine of everyday life and explore the world around us.

That brings me to this month’s issue of AUGIWORLD - the 3rd Party edition. This month, our authors are exploring outside the Autodesk realm in the world of 3rd Party software. This could be an add-on to an Autodesk product or a stand-alone product! As an orga-nization that is a truly independent user group, we would like to expand our software repertoire not just this month, but every month in AUGIWORLD! If you have an idea for an article and would like to write for AW, please feel free to reach out to me or our copy editor and board member, Todd Rogers.

Our Social Media Team has been very busy sharing information on all of our social media platforms and we truly appreciate their efforts! You can find AUGI on LinkedIn where we have a company page as well as various group pages. Follow AUGI on Facebook, @AUGI on Twitter, and @goaugi on Instagram. These are great ways to stay connected to your AUGI community.

Now, where did I leave my sunscreen...

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