
Letter from the President - July 2015

Your Board of Directors has been meeting more often than usual over the last month. The reason for this is that the board feels that AUGI needs a stronger definition of the following items:

• What do we do?
• How do we do it?
• Whom do we do it for?
• What value are we bringing?

With this in mind, we are asking for your input. What is it that you like about AUGI? What do you wish AUGI provided you? What do you feel is a waste of time regarding AUGI’s benefits?

A very interesting question above is “whom do we do it for?” It seems obvious that the answer is AUGI’s members, yet that is somewhat shortsighted. Just like any organization, AUGI needs new people. In fact, the design industry in general needs new folks. Just how AUGI can help attract new folks has been quite the topic over the last several months.

For example, would more career development-related resources be a useful thing for the membership? What are your ideas related to that? How about school outreach? What form could that take and would it be something in which AUGI should invest?

It is good for an organization to ask itself these questions every few years. It is even more important when an organization exists for the sole purpose of providing benefits to its members. The time certainly seems right for AUGI to ask these sorts of questions.

But the board cannot truly answer these questions in the absence of feedback from the membership. The board will be conducting surveys related to this over the next several months and we ask that each of you take a few minutes to provide feedback.

The board wants to be sure that AUGI’s resources are put to the best possible use. The board knows which AUGI benefits are the most popular and beneficial to both the members and partners. What the board would like further data on is what other benefits or enhancements will be best for you and AUGI.

We look forward to hearing from you. If you have some feedback that you want to provide right now, please feel free to send an email to so the board can review it immediately.

As always, thank you for your attention and support.

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