
Sponsor Spotlight: HP Technology on Display at Autodesk University

HP was once again a proud sponsor of the Autodesk University 2011, an event that gives attendees a chance to learn, network, and celebrate the power of Autodesk technology—and discover how HP technologies can help them improve their engineering and design work.

Visitors to the HP booth were able to take the “HP Technology Tour” via demonstrations of some of HP’s powerful desktop HP Z Workstations and HP EliteBook Mobile Workstations running Autodesk® applications. Attendees also tried out the HP Designjet printers and HP ePrint & Share print collaboration solution, where they could sign up for this free service.

In addition, participants were invited to take apart an HP Z800 Workstation. Most could remove a disk drive and power supply in 15 seconds and put the system back together in the same amount of time. Others got a chance to see how they could better utilize available cores by taking advantage of HP’s new workstation clustering technology.

Some attendees were fascinated to learn about the extra performance that a workstation has over a desktop PC, while others were amazed at the light weight, screen clarity, and performance of the mobile workstations. HP Performance Advisor showed even more people how to squeeze the most performance from their desktop and mobile workstations. And participants got to see HP’s newest entry in its family of touchscreen monitors and touch boards for professionals.

Again this year HP brought back it’s Laugh and Learn demonstration, lightening the mood with HP jugglers who entertained the audience with their skills—while highlighting the features and functionality of HP technology. If you were one of the lucky ones, you caught some “flying money.”

Improving performance was on the top of mind for participants who attended one of three training sessions hosted by HP. These sessions offered tips and tricks for how to increase productivity using HP’s desktop and mobile workstations.

Several lucky visitors to the HP booth walked away with HP desktop and mobile workstations, a HP Designjet printer, Intel SSD drives, and more. Brian Hailey from Johnstown, Colorado, was named Top DAUG and received an HP Mini notebook for his superior AutoCAD® knowledge and drawing skills.

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