
3ds Max: Trending Technologies

3Ds Max and 3D art are tools for marketing that are used to sell ideas and products. In architecture, for example, the top visual companies have media teams who film, hire actors, produce stock video, and create entire productions to sell their luxury condos in the skyscrapers of Manhatten. They build the commercials and 3D is just one part of the production. All to capture the viewer's attention, and to do this, it is essential to maintain a pulse on the technologies helping to produce better media for 3D art and 3D content.  So lets explore a few technologies making their way into the world of 3D and 3D art to produce eye-catching results.

Photoshop Neural Filters

Neural filters for Photoshop are powered by machine learning using Adobe Sensei. These filters reduce the time necessary to perform edits to imagery. Using a Neural Filter, Figure 1 from Adobe's site demonstrates the ability to add a smile to an actor's face.

Figure 1

This technology is brand new, in beta, but growing. To access the filters select the Filter menu and then Neural Filters. Once there, you can download the filters and view the waitlist displayed in Figure 2.

Figure 2

Figure 3 displays using the Landscape Mixer to convert a photo to sunset. 3D artists can quickly generate incredibly unique and enticing video content with relatively simple (although tedious) effort by applying these filters to a video frame by frame. 

Figure 3

EB Synth

EB Synth is another piece of software in beta that helps convert video to appealing imagery. See Figure 4, where the creator ( converted the original video to the appealing style displayed.

Figure 4


The last one I want to share is EmberGen. Atmosphere plays an essential part in 3D work and presentation, and for concept art and illustration capturing a mood and relaying that to your audience is essential. For 3D artists, atmospheric effects have been traditionally time-consuming and challenging to manage and implement. However, EmberGen developers made light the heavy lifting providing us with powerful software to implement various effects to our scenes with an equally light learning curve.  The software uses a node-based system to generate results and applies effects to mesh objects or display results influenced by geo. It even works with animated meshes. See Figure 5 for an example of effects applied to the train.

Figure 5

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