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February 2024, No. 249
AUGI Forums
Civil 3D: Specialized vehicle in Vehicle Tracking   >
Revit: Irregular Window Opening / Wall Construction   >
AutoLISP: Using DIMAPOST to define a PREFIX   >
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MicroStation, CAD for Infrastructure Design
AUGI Members’ Articles
Mark Kiker  
Tech Manager — Decision Fatigue
Mark Kiker continues his running series, Secrets that Tech Managers Keep, teaching project managers about the road for success, support, and improvements along the way. This month is about decision fatigue and the toll it can take on a Tech Manager over time, including defining the symptoms, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment.
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Data Processing and Mining with Dynamo for Civil 3D — Stephen Walz runs through his thought process of a recent D4C3D script initially developed as a Proof of Concept (POC) that turned into a scalable solution supporting our data processing and mining efforts that have provided many value-adds to our project.   >
3ds Max Standards: Achieving Precision and Efficiency in the AEC Industry — Brian Chapman dives into some of the most essential standards needed to harness the full potential of 3ds Max for AEC projects!   >
The Collective Power of National Standards in Decluttering Design — Kristina Youngblut explores how collaboration on design projects in real-time used to be a thing of the past. She shares how with the advancement in software, up-to-date cloud sharing, and cutting-edge communication tools, today’s design landscape thrives on the ability to integrate cross-disciplinary efforts seamlessly, and why this allows professionals from various fields to contribute their unique expertise, which enhances the overall project outcome.   >
Brian Chapman
LT is still AutoCAD
AUGIWORLD February 2024
AUGI Career Center
AUGI Store
AUGI Member Discounts
Exclusive discount offers for AUGI (Professional and Student) Members:
Developers: $150 per year for ADN Standard Membership (AUGI Professional only), a saving of $1,250! per year
Hardware: Learn more about Dell offer for AUGI Members
Events and Training
AUGI is committed to providing diverse opportunities for its members to further their education—Below are just a few of the educational offerings that AUGI currently provides to help its members sharpen their technical skills.
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Autodesk News
Press Releases and articles from the past month relating to Autodesk.
Autodesk extends invitation to join financial results conference call
Autodesk enters agreement to acquire PIX of X2X
Autodesk signs definitive agreement to acquire Payapps for global payment and compliance management
AUGI Volunteering
There are openings for authors for AUGIWORLD, opportunities to assist in the Wish List, as well as contribute to our social media outreach.
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AUGI Wish List
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