
AUGIWORLD January 2021 Issue

AUGIWORLD January 2021 Issue


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Advancing Forward Into 2021

Happy New Year. Hopefully, we enter 2021 with a different point of view and things will get back to normal soon. As we advance forward in this year, new releases, new technologies and new ways of getting the job done are going to reach new levels.

Enjoy this month’s publication and keep moving FORWARD!

In the Janurary 2021 issue:

  • This is the Way — Brian Chapman once again brings us some great advice on how 3D artists are just as talented as photographers and filmmakers.

  • Civil 3D Corridors and Feature Lines — This article helps you walk through a couple scenarios of when you could possibly use feature lines in your corridor modeling. Shawn Herring explains that feature lines now can be used as corridor baselines.

  • Modeling Stage Lighting in Revit — “There’s something on the wing”, or shall I say, “the Wing is on to something”? Eric Wing goes dives deep into a few different methods he thought would be useful for modeling some structure and lighting equipment.

  • Unitsosaurus Success or Failure — Jay Zallan has come back with a great article on how to setup and use the Units in your Revit environment to the full extent.

  • Inside Track — Brian Andresen brings us more opportunities to advance our skills, processes and workflows in our firms using the most current AEC related software and hardware updates that are available.

  • Pitfalls — Mark Kiker shares a great article on looking for the pitfalls that might trap you, and how to become a proactive manager that desires to avoid troubles that might come upon you.
