
Letter from the President - December 2022

Hello AUGI members,

Welcome to the Industry Trends edition of AUGIWORLD!

“Technology is just one of the factors affecting the world of work. Economics, demographics, sociological trends, and government policies are four other core influences reshaping labor markets and determining how we will work for years ahead.” - Alain Dehaze

I love this quote! Our world rotates around technology, but other factors affect our world as well. In order to use our software, we must have projects to work on. Where do those projects come from? Government, state and local contracts & bids, housing needs, manufacturing needs and more.

It’s important to stay on top of industry trends to evaluate for progress that could assist us in our project workflows. But we also need to look at what we can do personally to improve ourselves and create our own trends.

“By not caring too much about what people think, I'm able to think for myself and propagate ideas which are very often unpopular. And I succeed.” - Albert Ellis

I encourage all of you to study the world around you, and then use that knowledge and inspiration to improve your personal circle of influence. Reading AUGIWORLD and other industry publications can be a source of inspiration.

Read on and I hope you gain inspiration for yourself!



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