
Letter from the President - April 2015


AutoCAD® 2016 has been announced and by the time you read this you could already have it installed. You may have read about its features already. Did you know that AUGI’s Wish List had quite the influence on this release of AutoCAD?

•    Billy Wooten’s wish that polygons would have a center OSnap has been granted. This is called the geometric center in AutoCAD 2016. It works on closed polylines.

•    Modifying a revision cloud has been a Wish List item for a long time. Donald Boyer’s wish to modify a revision cloud and add segments is now possible.

•    Mark Stoner wished that text in dimensions could have a frame around the text. There is a new text frame option to do just that.

•    Haven’t you wished that text in dimensions could be word wrapped similar to MText? Michael Shick certainly did. Now there is a new sizing control similar to MText that allows you to wrap the text in the editor. This is a great result for AUGI. This shows that one of the most important benefits to you as a member of AUGI is that you can influence product development via AUGI’s Wish List.

Are you a member of AUGI? I’m sure there are features in the applications you use daily that you wish worked better. Perhaps you have an idea for a feature that is missing in your favorite application. The AUGI Wish List has the power of thousands of other users voting on the best wishes. This power is of great appeal to Autodesk’s product development teams. Where else can Autodesk have thousands of users collectively telling them what is important to their productivity?

The answer is that there is not another mechanism for wishes with such a large group of users. And that is why, if you are not currently a member of AUGI, you should become one. Today.

The Professional membership gives you the most benefit, including a calendar year to be part of the Autodesk Developer Network (ADN). If you write code to leverage Autodesk’s product APIs and are not an AUGI Professional member, you are missing out on a wonderful opportunity. As a member at this level you may also get AUGIWORLD delivered to your doorstep.

The next level, Premier membership, offers some great benefits if you are a frequent poster on the forums and is an inexpensive way to add some more personality to your posts.

If you don’t want the great benefits provided by the membership levels noted above, the Basic membership, which is free, gives you the chance to tell Autodesk what you need in your day-to-day applications.

So why aren’t you a member already? 

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