
AUGIWORLD January 2016 Issue

AUGIWORLD January 2016 Issue


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Tips for Getting Ahead 

With a new year comes the inevitable planning process-planning personal and professional goals to be achieved within the year. For most AUGI members, the goal to advance their knowledge and use of Autodesk products hovers near the top of their planning lists.

It is not by chance that AUGIWorld tackles “advancement” in the January 2016 issue. Murray Clack helps AutoCAD users with “Command and Setting Tips to Help You Advance.”

In “How to Customize Your Environment,” Melinda Heavrin demonstrates how to get AutoCAD Architecture tweaked to your liking so you can hit the new year running.

And there’s much more in this issue that prepares you for advancement in 2016.

Also in the January 2016 AUGIWorld...

Constructing an Interior Scene — Brian Chapman shows you how to use 3ds Max, VRay, and Photoshop to construct a superior scene.   

Coordination View Templates (A Structural Perspective) — Raul Pacheco explores a procedure for developing coordination view templates for plans, floor slabs, and 3D views.

British Columbia MMCD Infrastructure Data Initiatives — a Standardized Approach — Andrew Walther addresses the requirements for consistent standards applicable to the BIM concepts of data movement and data sharing.

Views and Visibility — Todd Shackelford helps with a shared plan for visibility control and an analysis of Revit MEP’s visibility control tools.

Helping Others Decide, Part 2 — Mark Kiker continues his series on how leaders can help others make good decisions. In this article, complex decisions, chaotic decision making, and operating in crisis mode are explored.

Also in this issue...

Special Feature: AUGI Wish List 2015 — The top 10 wishes for each of Autodesk’s major products are presented here.

HP ZBook Studio 3G—Big Bang in an Ultrabook — Robert Green provides a closer look at HP’s quad core mobile workstation.

Inside Track — Brian Andresen presents three new offerings: FBX Review lets anyone view 3D models and animations across many platforms; Sketchbook Express for iPad lets users create doodles, quick sketches, and more; and a 15-day trial of AutoRoomLabel, which provides for one-click insertion of labels.
