Editorial Content


A smash hit with readers, TIPniques offers helpful advice for users of various Autodesk products. Each month, TIPniques brings productivity-boosting and time-saving tips to AUGI members.

Best of AUGI Forums

We present, in question-and-answer format, comments from AUGI members seeking support and the sound advice given by fellow users. This is "reality publishing" at its best - the questions and answers are taken from actual communication among AUGI members who participate in the AUGI Guilds and the new AUGI Forums at www.AUGI.com.

AUGI HotNews Special Offers

Product discounts, trial offers, demos, and the like are presented in the Special Offers section of HotNews. Members of Autodesk's third-party developer community take advantage of this section to promote new and enhanced products to AUGI members.

Industry Watch by HP

AUGI HotNews sponsor Hewlett-Packard covers technology trends and more in this insightful column.

Take Five

A quick Q&A-style interview with Autodesk executives and industry experts.

LUG Nuggets

User activity at the local level is discussed in the LUG (Local User Group) column. Advice on forming and maintaining a local user group, member recruitment techniques, and scores of other LUG-related topics are explored.

Around the Globe

AUGI's international activity is covered in this regular column. AUGI board members and others give us a glimpse of the Autodesk user community outside the United States and discuss AUGI activities overseas.

AUGI Announcements

Important and often time-sensitive information for all AUGI members is presented in every issue of HotNews. Whether it's a call for volunteers to work on a new AUGI project, a request by Autodesk for beta testers, or simply a reminder to register for an upcoming event, it can be found in the Announcements section.

AUGI Survey

Every month, HotNews presents the results of the previous month's survey and offers a new online survey in which members can participate.